Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Welcome Nala

I am very happy to introduce you all to our latest addition. This is Nala. Her name was Sandy for a minute and then Sammi mentioned Nala and I knew that had to be her name. I am not thrilled about the amount of time and attention she will require over the next year. It honestly is like having an infant again because you have to watch them every second, until they are trained to make sure they are not chewing up the furniture or eating your carpet. She is really smart, she whines when she needs to go outside and she is only 6 weeks old. She sleeps in our room in a crate and wakes us up to take her out. I am hoping that her bladder gets stronger real soon so that she will sleep through the night. I am sure that she will help fill a huge gap in the house when Jordan and Sammi leave this summer to attend school in Utah. I miss Jason something horrible and can't really bring myself to think about Jordan leaving too. Thank goodness Jeremy, Sarah and my Grandchildren are all close or I would really go postal I think. Rachel too, anyway here she is :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Check the news people

Everybody check out the news :) jordanandsam.blogspot.com

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy 2009 Everyone !!

Wow, already a week into the New Year. So far so good....except Jordan's car died. But he and Sammi are hot on the trail of a Mini Van that needs some TLC they may be able to use until they can save up for a real car.

Our Christmas was absolutely Wonderful. Here are some pictures, scanned and low quality as always, but I know you love them :)

First is Jonas visiting the Santa that came to Overton Power, which happened to be on my day off so I got to take him. That was loads of fun. Jonas was pretty good. The next picture is Christmas Day Terry taking a nap with his Reindeer Antlers that you probably cant see, trust me it's adorable. Then it's the three amigo's playing with a race car set and looking adorable

I just love this picture of Jeremy & Sarah. Aren't they just the cutest? Jeremy was a life saver this year with all the help from the weeks before preparing the peirogi & keilbasa to cooking Christmas Dinner. Sarah had her hands full too with the twins and Joshua, although Terry and I did get to help a little with that :) Sarah didn't have to do any dishes on Christmas Eve but couldn't resist helping on Christmas God Bless her.

I love the picture of Jason and Nicole also. They make such a nice looking pair, although it seems incomplete somehow without Chili. Jason took on allot of responsibility this year also. He and Jordan went and cut down the Christmas tree, which had two points at the top. We did that for the Twins...jk. He did 75 % of the outside decorations which were terrific, plus a whole bunch of cooking, including the best Cheesecake ever. They both did the dishes on Christmas Eve..I helped a tiny bit, but it sure was nice having someone else do most of it. Nicole spent allot of time policing Chili in and out of his room so that the children wouldn't freak out. By the end of the visit everyone was getting along just fine. Jonas Loves Nicole. He always insists on going into her room and giving her kisses. The Twins love her too.
Jason starts school again after Christmas break here in a week I think. He really has allot going on with work, school and everything. He still finds time for Wow though :)

Jordan and Sammi look a little afraid in this next picture. I think this may be the first blogging of Sammi...Everyone meet Samantha Jones, Jordan's girlfriend. The kids
absolutely love Sammi too. They just warmed up so quickly to both Nicole and Sam. Jordan helped with the decorations, cooking and all, but it is tough being the youngest in this group because you get all the gopher jobs. He handled it like a pro, and as always did most of the Keilbasa. Jordan and Sam have decided to apply at SUU where Jer did his schooling. They both want teach Music. That makes me completly thrilled. He and Sam both work at Pizza Hut and the Manager also manages the one in Cedar and told them both they could transfer when they go to SUU.

It was so nice to have Sarah's Father celebrate Christmas with us. We all went to church together, which was celebrated at the High School because our little church bursts at the seams this time of year. It was probably a bit noisier that what he is used to but he was a good sport about all the craziness. Rachel thankfully was off and got to partake for a change as well. As you can see the children were having fun too.

This final photo is Jordan with his gift from Sammi. All of the grown up kids were quite amused but it was lost on me.

Well that does it for us. We did miss everyone and look forward to the possibility of a family reunion this summer sometime. It would be great if all of you could e-mail me with possible available dates this summer, and whether or not you would even be able to do it this year. It's been a tough one I know. Let me know what you all think. I don't know if Jamie and Carly could come and if we can't do it this year, Brooke will be unavailable for a few years so lets all see what is doable. Maybe one of us will hit mega bucks, or the lotto, but I think you have to actually play those to win...darn.

Love you all & miss most of you...hehehehe...just kidding really I promise.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I was going to do this last night but I couldn't find my Halloween pictures, which would have been really weird because the last time I blogged was on 7/11 and had I done what I planned to do yesterday it would have been 11/7. When you get older you start trippen on these things, or at least I do.

Anyway....The month started off of course with the birth of my beautiful Grandson number 3, Joshua. He is such a little sweetie. I miss him so much and have no new pictures to share with you because I haven't seen him in a couple of weeks, which I hope to rectify very soon. Jeremy, Sarah and the twins are all doing great. It is quite a challenge having 2 children, near three years old and an infant. It's a really good thing that the twins are such good kids. I am still in awe of how well behaved those kids are.

Then a few weeks later I was invited to attend my Grand Niece's (Amy's Daughter Kamryn) blessing, which made me so happy, what a sweet little baby girl, and oh the people that she already has wrapped around her little finger. Justin and Amy, you two are just adorable with her. It's so cool that she has so many cousins that are right close to her age. The dinner was allot of fun, Justin's family is so nice, and easy to talk to.

I also had a chance to spend some time with my sister Lori and her girls and grand daughter Jane. Jane is such a happy little baby, just as good as she can be. Michael and Devyn you are doing a great job it looks like to me anyway. Very relaxed and easy with her. I enjoyed spending time talking with DeEtte and Devyn. You girls are so fun to talk to. I wish I could have spent more time with Lori and Jim..maybe next time.

I hardly had a chance to say hi to Chelsea or Shawn, who gave yet another computer to my son, which he hopefully has expressed appreciation for, but just in chase he forgot Thank You. You guys have been real sweet to him.

OK SO THEN....I got to spend some time with the twins at my house for 3 days, over Halloween no less. I took about 5 million pictures and we just had a ball. Here are some pictures

I decided to post the pictures in youngest to oldest and then the group shot. Elizabeths' hair looks hideous I know. Jeremy's and Rachel's came out so much nicer, must have been better yarn lol. Can't be that I have lost my touch. She still looks like about the most precious thing I have seen.

Ok so I think this requires some explanation, and I wish I had one. I think Terry got confused and thought that I wanted The Joker and Ragedy Ann. If you couldn't tell I did Elizabeth's Makeup and Terry did Elijah's. It is a little disturbing I think. He is still massively cute. While they were trick or treating Elijahs pants kept falling down. He had a ball though.

Rachel had Jonas all ready and wired up on candy when he arrived to go with us. He was a Ninja, and a dang cute one if I do say so myself. Rachel did go with Terry and Nicole and the kids. I figured a one to one ratio was best. Apparently Jonas wasn't happy just standing on the stoop of the doors, he literally ran into every house according to some eye witnesses. He had so much fun with the twins, as he always does.

And the group of them I wish you could see Elijah's little socks, they took me forever to make, and I don't think we have one picture.

We have a contest at work and we were given a little plaster white pumpkin that we have to decorate. I decided to make a lamp and Terry and I worked allot longer than the outcome looks like we did. The lamp does actually work and on the back of the pumpkin I wrote "OPD5 (that's the power company I work for)We keep the lights on" We had allot of fun working on it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Is it really July 11th already ??

Hi everyone. Sarah called last night and pointed out that my blog is very old, and that I should update it. So here goes.

The fourth of July was awesome. Jeremy & Sarah and the twins came up on Friday morning and we had a fabulous day. Jeremy owes me $500.00 because he bet that I couldn't get Elijah to take a nap. Word to the wise...never bet a Grama she can't do something with her Grandchild. We had a great time watching the fireworks, which everyone, including the twins thoroughly enjoyed. All in all it was a perfect day.

My thoughts frequently went to Debbie and how much she enjoyed the 4th. I remember way back in the day, when the fireworks were done out by the then MGM, over the pond and we took KFC and the kids and watched to the beautiful music. The next year it snowed, but they still put on a great show. I was never really a big fan of the 4th, I mean it was OK but wasn't really one of the Holiday's I looked forward to. I think I appreciate it more now, remembering how much Debbie loved the holiday. I miss her.

Jonas came over and spent some time with us on Saturday. He was pretty good. He always loves to see his cousins. He and Elijah wanted the same car, one of 20 they could have chosen, but we worked it out. Elizabeth did fantastic with her potty training and was awarded many treats :) Hey maybe I should have Rachel bet me that I can't potty train Jonas. That's right ... Jonas is 3 years and 3 months and is still in diapers. I need to work on that more consistently.

Jordan has been enjoying his summer. He spent almost two weeks with Jer & Fam in Vegas. He absolutely loved being there, but claims that he missed us too. I missed him horribly. He is still playing his stand up bass at church with Terry and they sound awesome.

Jason and Nicole are doing well, except WalMart stinks. They have weird shifts and just do really stupid things to their employees. One example is, if they want to wear jeans they can but they have to pay $1.00 if they do. They cannot transfer to a different department until they have been there 6 months, they have to buy their own ball point pens for their stations, the list goes on and on. Jason has applied to the community college here and will begin this fall with his GE credits. They are going shopping for a car this week !!!

My computer crashd while I was typing this & was down for several days. Jordan fixed up my laptop last night for me. It's fun having a geniouses for sons :)

Love you all

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day !!

Well another week has passed and I have another funny Jonas story I have to share. Last night Jason, Nicole, Terry and I were sitting watching TV and visiting when Jonas arrived at around 9:30 PM. Jordan was out with his buddies and so it was relatively quiet up to that point. Jonas was in his usual high energy state running around and constantly being told to sit quietly etc. I am not sure how many minutes passed and Jason said "Hey where did Jonas go"? I started calling for him to come back into the family room and it took some time but finally he came in with Chili (the dog) and Jason noticed Jonas had some candy on his mouth so he said "Go see Gramma" and went to check out Nicole's room where she apparently had a stash of I believe it was runts. Jason came back in and explained that he had gotten into the candy. Terry looked at Jonas and said "Jonas, what did you do"? Jonas held his hands slightly out from his waist like he was going to explain something and said "Chili wanted some candy"! Like he really had no choice in the matter and was just obliging the dog. Jason and Nicole could not contain themselves and went laughing all the way out of the room, and I wasn't much better. It was absolutely hysterical. He is getting to such a cute age, he just cracks me up.

I found a recipe on the MSN homepage for Memorial day Grilling pleasure and we tried one tonight. It was so good. Eggplant, zucchini, squash, onion and bell peppers grilled in the BBQ, and the most delicious chicken all served on flour tortilla's with salsa and avocado. It was so nummy. Well in the morning it is back to the grind. I hope everyone had a nice long weekend.

Congrats to Jamie and Carly, I sent your card late...sorry. It seems no matter how hard I try to be on time with things I never am. I hate being late.

Love you all.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hi Everyone !!

Yesterday I went to Las Vegas to watch Jordan perform with his Jazz Band from High school. Prior to leaving for the concert Elijah gave a pre show performance of all of his latest moves which included running around in circles and then dropping on the floor and then looking up to see who was watching. He is so adorable I can't stand it sometimes. They have this little piano and he scooted over another toy to use as a seat to sit on while he played. It looses something in translation, but trust me it was dang cute. The Jazz Concert was awesome but very short. I think it lasted maybe 15 minutes. Jeremy, Sarah, Elijah, Elizabeth and Sarah's Dad Bob all came with me. When the concert was over Elizabeth said "let's go see JoJo...hurry" and started running. She really enjoyed the music and was tapping her little hands on the seat in front of me through most of it. Elijah wasn't nearly as impressed and could have done without the whole process, but he was really good. After the concert we looked at some model homes and then Bob took us all to lunch, which was wonderful. On the way back to their house, Elizabeth was so tired she started to have a mini meltdown and when she caught her breath said "I'm just so tired" It was honestly the most precious thing I have ever seen. She passed out in pure exhaustion shortly after that. I had a really great day !!

Jonas's hair is finally starting to grow back. He is really starting to communicate well. Whenever I say "Jonas" followed by any command that he doesn't want to obey
he just says "I'm not Jonas" and continues doing whatever it is. I have a hard time not laughing at him. Nicole and Jason have posted some pictures on their blog if any of you missed them, you should check it out..except for the one that I look like a hippo on pot. Thank goodness for Nicole or no one would ever get to see Jonas.

My new job is going well. It's really pretty boring, but sometimes that can be a welcome change. I'm so lucky to have it, I am not even complaining. I am going to take a moment to complain about the price of gas and groceries. Honestly, what the heck. I am so glad I live in a small town and don't have to drive much anymore. I don't know how Danny keeps up with it.

I like David Cooke for the next Idol. I love little David too, but he is to young and needs to be protected for a few more years.

Well that's about all I have for today. I hope everyone is well.