Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy Birthday DeEtte !!! Yesterday :)

This would be so much funner if I knew what I was doing, Scanning pictures doesn't work very well, they are so little, I will have to get some schoolin from John maybe, I hope you all can see them. I think they enlarge if you double click on them.

I have no idea if I have these in order, I am the worst at trying to remember ages. These are obviously School Pictures from Elementary, My favorite is the second one, so serious :) just precious.

DeEtte in various group's pre school age

Sometime during this age group, I had all 4 of my Wisdom teeth pulled and DeEtte came to take care of me, such a sweetie, one of my fondest memories of her as a child.

And as an adult, looking as happy as anyone I have ever seen on her Wedding Day. Jason & Jordan seem to have found something more interesting to look at. The last one of DeEtte looking really annoyed and seeing the reflection of the annoyance in the car window is by far the funniest I have of her.

In all that a word? I hope you had a great Birthday. Mom and I were talking about how absolutely beautiful you have become...not that you were ugly before, it was so nice to be able to spend some time with you. Hope Lily is feeling better....Love you


Betty Brackett said...

Wow...sent me on a trip down memory lane, for sure. DeEtte was always so photogenic, still is...and grown up gorgeous :)

Betty Brackett said...

Oh...forgot to say...Happy Belated Birthday Honey"! And to hubby too!!

Jeremy and Sarah said...

Happy Birthday DeEtte!! I am so sorry that we missed you guys but I sure hope you had a great birthday. Mom, I think you did an amazing job with the picture. They are so fun to look at.

Justin and Amy said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday DeEtte (and tell Darrin we said Happy B-day too)! We love you and miss you and are excited to see you in March:)

The McPherson Clan--- said...

Yowsers, I wouldn't mind if most of those pictures never graced the pages of a blog again! It looks like I had more than one awkward phase growing up. It's crazy, but I can actually see a Connor resemblance now in some of those younger pictures.

Thanks for thinkin of me and taking the time to share. It was so so so great to see you again. Hopefully it'll happen again soon. Love ya.

The McPherson Clan--- said...

And oh yeah, that picture of the "clowns" is going to make me have nightmares for a week! What were you guys thinking??

Lori said...

Lin, this was so cool! DeEtte is probably not as grateful as she might be for sharing these pictures; but I love them! I think you have more pictures of my daughter than I do! But she's right about the clowns - Wes Craven has nothing on us! Thanks so much for doing all this work. Love you.

Jamie said...

DeEtte will kick the punk rock off your weak pozer face!!!! Hahahahahahahah!!!!!!!! I want to see a follow up picture to that one with her sweating her own reflection where she's just bare fist breaking the window and swallowing the glass. No, I want to see a video of that, where I could see scared pedestrians trying not to stare while she screams at them with bloody glass torn lips "what are you staring at!!!!"

Jamie said...

In that family reunion picture, where we're all on the couch.... Cory looks like he just sharted.

Linda (Mom, Gramma, Aunt) said...

Wow Jamie, I am not sure I agree with the whole bloody glass torn lips thing, but you do make a person visualize whether they want to or not :) What exactly is a weak pozer face? That sounds like something one of my boys would say that would leave me very confused. You are right about Cory in that picture lol